Wednesday, December 2, 2015

ATC Privatization - Due December 6th at 11:59PM

GA has spoken out against the privatization of Air Traffic Control. However, recently, the airlines have made a statement for the privatization of ATC. Please answer the following questions:

1) Why has GA traditional spoken against the privatization of ATC?

2) Why have the airlines recently made a statement for the privatization of ATC?

3) Is ATC privatized in any other countries? If so, where? Does the privatized ATC system run more or less efficiently than our current system?

4) What would be the process for converting our current system into a privatized system? i.e. would it have to go through Congress, the FAA, etc..

5) Finally, do you feel that the current ATC system would be more efficient if it were privatized. Why or why not?

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